This black bean stew seasoned with an incredible Secreto Ibérico from Campo Grande is perfect for any occasion. The nutritional value of this dish is beyond what you can imagine as the black beans provide us with antioxidants. And like the rest of beans, they are rich in slow-release carbohydrates and also suitable for diabetics.
Recipe for Black Beans with Ibérico Secreto Steak
- 1 Secreto Ibérico Campo Grande
- 2 ¼ cups black beans
- 1 leek
- 2 carrots
- 1 green pepper
- 4 garlic cloves
- Paprika (to waste)
- Water
- Salt (to taste)
- Oil
- Soak the beans in hot water for about 6-8 hours. If you don't have that much time, you can boil it for 1.5/2 hours or do it in the pressure cooker.
- Once the beans are ready, add them to the pot where the stew is going to be made.
- Wash the leek, cut in half and add to the pot along with the whole carrots, pepper clean off seeds and a couple of peeled garlic cloves.
- Cover with water and cook. The time depends on the pot you are using.
- Cut the Secreto Ibérico into small pieces of about 2×2 cm more or less. Sear it in a skillet over high heat and add to the pot.
- When the beans are cooked, add the leek, carrots and pepper with a little broth in a blender and mix it. Add the sauce back together in the pot with the beans.
- In a frying pan with a little oil, fry two minced garlic cloves. When they are brown, remove from the heat and add paprika to taste. Add this sauce into the pot and change to low heat so that all the ingredients are combined. Add salt to taste and cumin if you want.
- Serve on a plate and garnish with some chili peppers. Enjoy with a good red wine!