If you’ve recently been to the butcher shop or supermarket meat section, you have probably seen the popular New York Strip. Some places call it something different though, so you might see it called the Kansas City Strip, Club Steak, the Omaha Strip, or the Ambassador Steak.
The New York Strip is the most popular name though and the meat is a popular choice for solo grilling adventures or family events in the backyard. If you’re wondering about the different cuts and how to prepare the best NY Strip, you will have all the information you need by the end of this article.
How is the New York Strip Steak Cut?
The NY strip is a special cut from the subprimal loin of the cow. The sub primal loin is part of the primal loin. You might have heard of the primal loin because it’s the part of the cow that makes the tender and juicy filet mignon.
The tenderloin is also part of the primal loin. When you remove the tenderloin, you are left with the beef strip loin which is ultimately what gives you the New York Strip Steak Cut. The NY Strip is cut from the beef short loin.
Although it has a bone, you will almost always see it sold without the bone as a boneless steak unless you buy it fresh directly from the butcher. If the tenderloin is still attached to the beef loin, you will get a porterhouse or a T-bone instead of a NY strip.
Should I Get Bone-In or Boneless?
This really depends on what kind of steak or meal you want. Most of the time the bone is taken out, so you will need to tell the butcher ahead of time if you want the bone left in. A bone often looks better on the plate so it might be a better idea to keep the bone if you are planning to serve a fancy dinner.
The bone also serves more purposes than just looking nice for guests though. The butcher most often leaves the middle bone-in with the strip and the filet. When the bone is left in the middle like this, the bone will insulate the meat while you are cooking it. This allows the steak to retain all its juices and will give you a more tender and juicy dinner.
If it’s your first time cooking steak though, you might want to go with a bone-out variety because the bone-in meat requires more cooking skills. It can also be harder to tell when the bone-in meat is done, so you risk overcooking or undercooking the meat if you aren’t sure how to cook it properly.
The meat that is closer to the bone will always cook faster than the meat that is further away. If you are a novice chef and enjoy a challenge, you can go with the bone-in steak, but you might want to get a meat thermometer so you can pull the meat off the grill as soon as it’s done.
Cooking a New York Strip
Now that you know about the cut and the bone-in versus the boneless varieties, you can begin cooking your own New York Strip. It’s best cooked on an outdoor grill so you can get perfect sear lines. You can still cook it in a super-hot pan on the stove though if you don’t have a grill. Pan roasting and reverse searing are the best methods for cooking if you want to make it indoors.
When you make it on a grill outdoors, cook it until on the grill when it has already warmed up and has become super hot. You only need to sear it for a few minutes or you risk overcooking it.
New York Strip’s Flavor and Texture
A good New York Strip will have an intense and bold flavor. It’s also tender because of the marbling. Always pick a NY Strip with plenty of marbling because it will melt onto the steak and give it a more robust flavor. You can also choose a NY Strip that has been dry-aged if you want a bolder or beefier flavor.
Final Thoughts
Whether you get bone-in or bone-out, the NY Strip is a tender and mighty cut of beef that is perfect for grilling or cooking indoors. The marbling also gives the meat an extra juicy flavor that your guests will rave about.