Merluza is a fish that is loved by all diners and is present on the table at any time of the year. It has white, very smooth flesh and a very mild flavour – it is a delicacy for all palates! It is a very versatile fish and can be prepared in an infinite number of recipes.
What is Galician-style merluza?
Merluza can be prepared Roman style, Basque style or in green sauce, but one of the most delicious ways to cook it is using this Galician merluza recipe. It is a fairly simple recipe to follow and children and adults alike will be fascinated by the flavour and texture of the stew. It is very juicy, so don't forget to have bread close to the guests.
On the other hand, the best way to accompany this recipe is with boiled potatoes. These are very easy to make and very filling. In any case, your guests will want to come back for seconds!
- Six slices of merluza .
- Three good-sized potatoes.
- One white onion.
- Two bay leaves.
- Six cloves of garlic.
- A spoonful of sweet paprika.
- 100 millilitres of extra virgin olive oil.
- Coarse salt.
- First of all, cut the merluza into slices. If you buy frozen merluza, it is possible to find it already sliced; if not, you can ask the fishmonger to slice it, or do it yourself at home. All you need is a good knife that can cut through the bone of the merluza .
- Clean the fish very well. You can run a knife over it to remove the scales.
- Add the coarse salt. The salt should be in contact with the merluza for one hour.
- In a sufficiently large saucepan, add a glass of water and bring the onion and bay leaf to the boil.
- Peel the potatoes and cut them into chunks. They do not have to be regular pieces.
- When the onion has been boiling for five minutes, add the potatoes.
- Leave to cook for 12 to 15 minutes. Make sure the potatoes are soft, but be careful, they should not fall apart easily.
- If an hour has passed since you added the salt to the merluza , it is time to wash them to remove the salt.
- Set them aside.
- Put the merluza slices in the pan with the potatoes and onion. Leave to cook for five minutes.
- After this time, add a glass of cold water. It is important that the water is cold to cut the cooking time and prevent the fish from overcooking.
- Remove from the heat.
- Leave to stand for five minutes.
- While the merluza and potatoes are on the heat, prepare the ajada, which is what gives this recipe its flavour. To do this you need to peel and finely slice the garlic.
- Add the garlic and olive oil to a smaller pan or saucepan.
- When the garlic changes colour, remove the pan from the heat and add the paprika. Stir while you add the paprika, so that it integrates well with the garlic and oil.
- Add half a ladleful of the stock from the potatoes and fish to the ajada.
- Wait for a minute until they settle.
- Serve the merluza. Place a bed of potatoes and put the fish on top. Drizzle a little of the ajada over the merluza. You can garnish the dish with a sprig of parsley.
Although this is the traditional way of preparing Galician-style merluza, you can also bake the merluza and potatoes in the oven. It’s one variety of this recipe. Remember that the most important thing in this Galician merluza recipe is the garlic sauce.
The properties of merluza
European merluza is the merluza that is usually eaten in Spain. This fish is characterised by its white flesh, so it is also a lean fish. The fact that it is lean makes merluza a low-fat food: in 100 grams you will only find 1.8 grams of fat. It is a perfect food to include in a balanced diet, to take care of your health or to lose weight. It is also good for those looking to reduce bad cholesterol in the blood.
On the other hand, merluza, like the vast majority of fish, has high levels of protein of biological value. This means that it is rich in amino acids. It is also very rich in B vitamins, including folic acid and B12. Thanks to these B vitamins, you can make better use of the nutrients provided by carbohydrates and proteins.
Finally, merluza is very rich in minerals, including phosphorus, potassium, zinc, magnesium, iron and iodine.