Sitting down to a big lunch, a hearty dinner and a satisfying breakfast is spectacular; especially when you are eating a classic of Spanish cuisine, as the country's gastronomy is incredible. However, you don't always need so much food, sometimes just a little bit is enough, to enjoy with a glass of wine with friends, for example.
This is known as tapas and in Spain's repertoire of recipes you will find several options if you want to take your tapas time. Many people enjoy tapas in bars and taverns, but doing this activity at home is also a very good idea. In addition to enjoying good food, you can have fun with the company of friends or family having tapas with you.
In this case, to surprise them you need to learn how to prepare some of the best Spanish tapas recipes. However, don't worry, because here we will give you some ideas for all tastes and occasions.
For vegetarians
If you're not a fan of meat, that's okay. There are delicious vegetarian-friendly tapas that are easy to prepare.
Aioli potatoes (4 persons)
- 2 potatoes
- 1 egg
- 1 clove garlic
- 150 ml sunflower oil
- Salt
- Parsley
- Lemon juice
Prepared by
- Wash the potatoes very well and add them to a pot with water and salt. Remember not to peel them.
- Let the potatoes cook for 20 minutes and, when they are well cooked, remove them, peel them and cut them into irregular pieces. Let them cool.
- Add the egg, garlic clove and oil along with a few drops of lemon juice in a blender. Blend until you obtain a mayonnaise that is not too creamy.
- If the potatoes are already cooled, add the sauce over them and mix very well with wrapping movements.
- Chop the parsley and continue mixing. When finished, store the potatoes covered with plastic wrap in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
- Remove from the refrigerator and plate, sprinkling a little parsley over the potatoes.
For meat fanatics
If you are a fan of meat and sausages, you can find plenty of options for you. However, this time we will show you a famous Asturian recipe that everyone loves and can be prepared in less than half an hour.
Chorizo in cider (4 persons)
- 1 kg fresh chorizo
- 250 ml natural apple cider
Prepared by
- To begin, remove the string from the chorizos and add them to a deep casserole dish. Use a knife to prick the chorizos (this will help the chorizos to release their juices and not burst).
- Pour the cider over the chorizos and start cooking over high heat. When it boils, let everything cook for 5 more minutes and remove from heat.
- This whole process will take approximately 20 minutes. By this time the alcohol will have evaporated completely and you will notice that the cider will have reduced to a sauce at the bottom of the pan.
- Serve immediately, as this tapa is best enjoyed hot.
- This tapa goes very well with potatoes like the ones mentioned above, or with patatas bravas if you prefer a spicy touch.
For seafood lovers
Want some delicious seafood? Then head to the kitchen to prepare some delicious garlic shrimp.
Garlic shrimp (3 persons)
- 15 white shrimp tails
- 2 cloves garlic
- 50 ml of extra virgin olive oil
- Cayenne
- Salt
Prepared by
- Peel the shrimp very well, removing their heads, shells and legs. Also, remove the intestine to avoid problems.
- Take an earthenware pan and add the oil. While it is heating, fillet the garlic and cayenne and then add them to the oil until golden brown.
- When the garlic is browned and the oil is bubbling, add the shrimp with salt and cook for one minute.
- Turn each shrimp over and turn off the heat, cover with a plate. The steam will finish cooking.
- Let the shrimp rest for about 5 minutes and then you can serve.
A soup as a tapa
Spoon dishes can be great tapas. Would you like to? Then how about some gazpacho shots?
Gazpacho (6 persons)
- 1 kg of tomato
- 1 green bell pepper
- 1 cucumber
- 2 cloves garlic
- 50 ml of extra virgin olive oil
- 250 ml of water
- 50 g stale loaf bread
- 5 g salt
- 30 ml vinegar
Prepared by
- Chop all the ingredients and add them to a blender along with the olive oil, water and vinegar.
- Blend everything for about 5 minutes at maximum speed to ensure that everything is properly crushed. Then pass the mixture through a fine strainer so that the gazpacho has a perfect texture, without seeds.
- Keep the gazpacho in the refrigerator for a few hours so that it is well chilled.
- Remove the gazpacho and serve in small shot glasses.
- That's it! You now have a refreshing tapa to share.
With these tapas you will have an option for every occasion, each one different from the other so you can explore Spanish gastronomy one bite at a time.