Black sausage is a type of delicious sausage that can accompany main and very traditional dishes, such as tripe, but it can also be served alone as an appetizer. Black pudding can be grilled, broiled, or even fried for different occasions. Learn the secret to preparing the best black pudding, and your guests will want to learn it too!
How to prepare blood sausage properly?
Although black pudding is a sausage, it is not eaten raw and requires special preparation. However, some variants of black pudding can be eaten raw. Before doing anything else, read the packaging label of the black pudding you have bought. Did you know that there are different types?
Some are a bit spicy, generally, those from the northern region of Spain, while in the south, a milder black pudding is usually served, which is so palatable you won't get enough. It is a delicious appetizer; you only need to accompany it with bread!
Remember that raw and packaged black pudding can only last in the fridge for up to 20 days; if it is already cooked or you buy it smoked, you can keep it for up to three months.
It is quite a caloric dish but delicious. You can find them artisanal and industrial, consisting of pork blood and fat, as well as spices and some ingredients such as onion, rice, and bread crumbs; these ingredients are cooked and then stuffed.
If you are thinking of preparing black pudding to delight your guests, do not think twice. You can serve it as a starter or appetizer, accompanied by bread. However, for a more traditional or home use, black pudding is perfect for eating in sandwiches. It can even be used to fill empanadas and puff pastries or be dipped in flour and fried in the pan.
Black sausage is ideal for scrambled eggs and, of course, to accompany delicious and typical dishes such as fabada or cocido. On the other hand, this delightful sausage can be grilled, pan-fried, and on the barbecue, perfect for a Sunday at home!
Should the blood sausage be prepared with flour or not?
One technique to prepare the blood sausage so that it does not break is to coat it in flour. Whether or not to coat this sausage depends on the type of black pudding you use. If it is a quality black pudding and the frying is done correctly, adding flour will not be necessary.
Therefore, buy quality black pudding and, in addition, put plenty of oil in the frying pan. This will allow the black pudding not only not to break but also to have a delicious flavor and texture.
Rice blood sausage?
One of the most delicious kinds of Spanish black pudding is the one with rice. This type of black pudding will delight the most demanding diners. But it also has its trick when preparing it; you should know that this black pudding rarely needs to be coated in flour. The secret of a good black pudding is the amount and type of oil you use.
Vacuum-packed blood sausage
In the supermarket, you will likely find the traditional vacuum-packed blood sausage. It is just as delicious as the freshest blood sausage, but to cook it and make it good, it is necessary to let the link breathe.
To do this, open the black pudding packaging up to 15 minutes before cooking. And if you had it in the refrigerator, as with any piece of meat, it will be necessary to let it come to room temperature.
How to fry rice blood sausage?
Once the blood sausage is at room temperature, remove the string staples it usually comes with. Cut the blood sausage into slices, more or less of the same thickness, preferably somewhat thin.
Heat plenty of sunflower oil in a frying pan; it is much more advisable to use this oil than olive oil! Only when the oil is scalding, add the black pudding slices and leave them on the heat for about a minute and a half on each side.
How will you know that the black pudding is ready? In this case, since you are using rice blood sausage, you will notice that the grains are a little toasted and have a brown color. When the rice blood sausage is raw, the grains are white.
It would help if you didn't put all the blood sausage in at once. Fry the slices a few at a time. Also, once the black pudding is ready, place it on kitchen paper to absorb all the fat. Serve immediately! And remember to serve it with a good piece of bread - your guests will love it!