Boneless roast veal loin is one of the most popular recipes among diners. Ideal for an outdoor barbecue, this recipe is very easy to make, but it requires some skill to get the veal just right.
Grilled boneless veal loin recipe
For the preparation of grilled boneless veal loin, it is necessary to have a barbecue grill. The taste of the meat is different when it is prepared on a griddle, in a frying pan or on the barbecue. Before you start cooking, you should have the grill clean and working, with the coals lit on medium heat. When the meat is placed on the grill, it should be hot enough for cooking.
- Boneless veal loin, cut into chunks or fillets
- 250 grams of butter
- Coarse salt
- Flour
- Before starting, remove the meat from the fridge and leave at room temperature before cooking. This process can take up to a couple of hours.
- Clean the veal loins, removing the leftover pieces and any fat that may be on top. You can ask the butcher to cut the loin into fillets of the same thickness (three to four centimeters), or do it yourself; don't forget to ask the butcher to debone the loin at the time of purchase.
- Once the loins are cleaned, it is time to put the butter in a saucepan. To do this, heat the pan beforehand and remove it from the heat when the butter begins to melt.
- Place the loins on a cutting board and add the coarse salt. Then, using a kitchen brush, brush the tenderloins with the melted butter on both sides.
- Pour a kilo of flour into a sufficiently large bowl and lightly flour the loins.
- When all the tenderloins have been floured, it is time to grill them over medium heat.
- Do not prick the meat before cooking; you will know when it is ready as blood will start to ooze out of the surface. When the blood starts to come out, it's time to turn the meat over.
- Leave to cook for about 20 minutes. If you like your meat well done, then leave it to cook for a further five minutes.
- Once the loins are done, remove and serve on a platter.
Char-grilled beef tenderloin is a very easy to prepare and versatile recipe, which means that it can be served with a variety of garnishes and sauces. For example, if you like a contrast of flavors, you can serve it with homemade barbecue sauce, Jack Daniels sauce or caramelized onions.
When it comes to garnishes, chips never disappoint, but if you want to mix it up a bit, try baked or even grilled potatoes; plus a very simple salad of lettuce, tomato and onion. You can also accompany the beef tenderloin with rice or grilled vegetables.
Tips for making grilled loin of beef
Veal is not a type of meat that grills well because it is a dry meat. However, it is possible. To do this, it is important to follow a series of preparation tips. If the beef is not cooked properly, then the meat will end up incredibly dry.
The first thing to do is to buy meat that is sufficiently juicy. You can tell this by the color of the veal and it is best if it is light pink. Don't buy veal that is bluish in color and dry looking, as it will end up drying out even more on the grill.
On the other hand, it is important to prepare the meat very well before cooking it. To do this, you should take it out of the fridge with sufficient time to allow it to come to room temperature. It is also advisable to dry it with absorbent paper and remove any excess fat (white streaks). For proper cooking, it is advisable to brush it generously with oil or melted butter.
Another alternative is to marinate the veal and then grill it. The oils in the marinade and the spices used will prevent the meat from drying out and also add much more flavor. You can also try toppings, which add a unique flavor to the meat and also improve its texture. For this, you should finish the meat (once it has been turned), with the sauce of your choice. This can be anything from tomato to cheese, mushrooms or herbs.
When grilling the meat, keep in mind:
- The grill should be heated to maximum heat before cooking. The grate should be placed on top and should be coated with oil or butter to prevent the meat from sticking.
- The grid should be 7.5 to 8 centimeters away from the grill.
- Do not use a fork to turn the meat, as pricking the meat will remove the cooking juices. Use tongs, two spoons or a spatula to turn the meat.