Tips for making grilled Iberian pork feathers
The Iberian feather is one of the most demanded cuts of Iberian pork, mainly because of its texture, tenderness and intense flavor, but it is also the most exclusive, as only one feather weighing about 100 grams can be extracted from each pig. The cut can be whole, in small fillets or even eaten raw. One of the best ways to prepare the feather is to grill it.
Iberian pork feather, grilled or grilled?
The Iberian pork feather is a very popular cut because it has the perfect balance of fat and lean muscle. This makes it a very juicy cut, but at the same time, very healthy. In an Iberian feather, you will find high levels of protein, B vitamins and vitamin E, as well as a good supply of minerals, monounsaturated acids and low calories. This makes it a perfect dish that is suitable for all diets and palates.
Iberico de pluma, like many cuts of Iberian pork, does not require great elaborations. It is sufficient to make it with coarse salt and a little olive oil to obtain an exquisite dish with a very intense flavor; in addition, you can use a number of garnishes such as potatoes, in many styles; steamed rice, roasted or wok-fried vegetables.
Iberian pluma is also a very versatile cut that can be cooked in different ways. It all depends on how much time you have to prepare it. If you want to go for something quick and easy, then there is nothing like grilled pluma; you only need to put the pluma in the pan or griddle, with a drizzle of oil and add coarse salt.
If you want a more elaborate recipe, then you can grill or bake the pluma. In either of these two recipes, in which the times and temperature vary, the meat juices will remain inside, as indirect heat is used. Keep in mind that the grilled or baked Iberian pork pen can take between 20 and 30 minutes.
Finally, another quick and innovative way to consume Iberian pork feather is raw. Due to the quality controls to which Iberian meat is subjected, it is perfectly viable to consume the meat uncooked. However, you will have to be careful to avoid cross-contamination and freeze it for at least three days before preparing it. When eaten raw, it can be eaten in carpaccio (thin slices, like ham) or in tartar, mixed with whatever ingredients you can think of.
How to prepare grilled Iberian pork feather?
One of the most delicious ways to prepare Iberian pork is grilled. For the meat to be delicious and to preserve its juices, it is important to follow a series of recommendations. Keep in mind that each grill is different, so you will also have to follow the manufacturer's advice.
On the other hand, you can also use the oven grill to grill the meat. The flavor will be very similar to that meat that is prepared t on a barbecue and with coals.
Meat at room temperature
The first tip, no matter how you are going to prepare the meat, you should always take it out of the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature. This is a step you have to follow with any type of meat and it must be done because, otherwise, the meat will be hot and done on the outside but cold and perhaps undercooked on the inside.
Take the Iberian pork pen out of the refrigerator two hours before preparing it.
Proper handling
When it comes to grilling or baking the Iberian pork pen, it is necessary never to prick it with a fork. Always use tongs or special kitchen tongs. If you prick the meat, it will be easier for the cooking juices to escape and the meat will dry out.
Indirect heat
Every grill is different. There are some that have the heat point in the center, while others have it on the sides, and you will even find models that heat equally. When it comes to the Iberian pluma, it is best to grill it with indirect heat, that is, as far away as possible from the most intense heat source.
Place the meat at the ends if the heat source is in the center and vice versa. If your grill heats evenly, you can place a special tray underneath the grill. This way, you can isolate the heat and collect the cooking juices.
Low heat and long cooking time
The Iberian pluma is a fairly thin cut, so it is done practically faster than the prey or the loin, for example. But when it is placed on the grill, you will have to leave it for half an hour, at the most, so that the meat is well done. In addition, for its texture to be tender and soft, it is important that it be cooked over low heat.
When you place the meat on the grill, do not do so when the coals are of intense color or give off more heat; you should wait for this intensity to decrease before placing the meat on the grill. If you use the oven grill, a temperature of 180-190º C will be more than enough.
Finally, if you grill the meat, place the grill at a distance of approximately 10 centimeters from the coals.